Odor in plastic materials: detection methods and main sources of generation

In this webinar we are going to see several tools to detect a possible odor problem, what causes it and intervene to solve it.
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Odor in plastic materials: detection methods and main sources of generation
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Do you have odor transmission problems from your materials to the products that are packaged in them? You don’t know how you can control the modification of the organoleptic properties of food due to the packaging? Do your materials give off an odor that does not meet your client's requirements?

In this webinar we are going to see several tools to detect a possible odor problem, what causes it and intervene to solve it.


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  • Learn how to carry out routine odor quality controls in plastic materials
  • Know the application of the methodology to determine the existence of odor problems
  • Know examples of potentially odor-causing substances in plastic materials
  • Learn, with practical examples, different techniques used in the identification of odors in plastic samples
  • Know some methods to eliminate odor in plastic materials

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  • Employees who are starting out in the field of food safety in packaging; companies in the entire chain of manufacturing and use of packaging, manufacturers of raw materials, companies that transform plastic materials, packaging companies, etc.
  • Exclusively for registrations from industrial companies.


1. General concepts of odor
2. Odor in plastic materials
3. Main sources of odor in plastic materials
4. Odor detection tools in plastic materials
5. Examples of odor removal methods in plastic materials


1. General concepts of odor

2. Odor in plastic materials

3. Main sources of odor in plastic materials

4. Odor detection tools in plastic materials

5. Examples of odor removal methods in plastic materials


    • The course has been designed to be taken through conference call, so that you can take it from anywhere.
    • The course contents have been developed by our expert teachers in the field.  
    • The teacher will solve your doubts live at the end of the training session.
